A Whole New Game

Rose Farrington is at it again. She is creating a global network to bring together people, groups, organizations, and nations to plant trees.


Rather than create a new, formal organization, she is excited about the idea of increasing communication and networks among like-minded people. Based on her past work, I'm sure this page will continue to become worthwhile and interesting.


To Play A Whole New Game?


Participate with one of these organizations, or, check in your local community for a tree planting organization and dig in to plant a future.



You can contact Rose (Pat) Farrington at the e-mail address:


a whole new game 23 at aol dot com


Removing all of the spaces and substituting the appropriate symbols for "at" and "dot" should get you a valid e-mail address.


Copyright © Todd Strong

All rights reserved.


Contact Information:

t o d d a t new games foundation d o t org

Please adjust to make the above a valid e-mail address.


Date Website Was Last Updated: July 2, 2019